Worried your pet doesn’t get enough stimulation through the day?
We’ll worry no more!
We’re happy to visit your pet daily to offer a daily walk, a quick game of “Find It”, or the puuurrrfect combination of ear and butt scratches. We offer 25 or 45-minute visits exclusively for our mid day dog walking clients.
Mid-Day Dog Walking Services
25 Minute
$22 per visit
- Bathroom Break
- Cuddles, sweet talking, hugs, tummy rubs, ear, butt scratches
- Securing and double checking locks
- 25-mins spent with pet
- Water refill
- Daily notes about each visit
- A good walk or play time
- $2 each additional pet
45 Minute
$30 per visit
- Bathroom Break
- Cuddles, sweet talking, hugs, tummy rubs, ear, butt scratches
- Securing and double checking locks
- 45-mins spent with pet
- Water refill
- Daily notes about each visit
- A good walk or play time
- $2 each additional pet